The Hair On My Floor

I firmly believe that God speaks to us every day.

I believe He is always talking.


We just do not always choose to listen.


He speaks through every day things.

A sunset, a baby’s smile, the caress of your husband’s hand on your cheek.

I think He also uses other more insignificant things to speak as well.


Keep this in mind during this post.

I’ll share with you what He spoke to me about this morning,

Through the dog hair on my kitchen floor.


What on earth is she talking about! She’s off her rocker!

No wait, just stay with me.


We have a big dog. Really big. 165 + pounds of dog. Over 38 inches tall big dog.

That’s a lot of hair dog.

No matter how much I sweep my floor,

There is always hair.


During the day, when I walk around my kitchen, it looks really fine.

Fine, like I’ll just skip sweeping today fine.


That was yesterday.

I found it much easier to read blogs and play Words With Friends instead of sweeping the floor.


This is today.

I awoke to the sun shining in on my freshly unswept kitchen floor.

There on my floor that looked fine in regular afternoon light,

was awash in brilliant early morning light.

Hair. Everywhere. Every inch. Hair.


How could it have piled up so quickly?

All that hair, I’m surprised there is any DOG left!


So what’s this about God speaking to us all the time?

And what does it have to do with the hair on my floor?

Well it made me ask myself some questions.


My life looks pretty good.

Here in the regular every day light of the afternoon.


But what would it look like if the Light of my

Lord and Savior Jesus was shining on my life in full brilliance!

Full morning sunlight, on this freshly unswept heart of mine?


What happens if I just once skip sweeping it out?

Just a little sin. Looks pretty good. Just a little sin.

Can’t hurt much. Just a little sin.

Piling up all over the floor of my soul.


One day turns into two and pretty soon I ‘d have to wonder if it is

possible for my entire heart to be covered over with my sin.


In Sunday school this morning we talked about keeping short accounts with God.

I think the principle is the same as keeping my floor swept up.


If I sweep my floor every day,

I don’t wake up to the shock of possibly being overrun with dog hair.

Dog hair that gets on everything.

My feet, my clothes, my coat, tracking all the way out to my car.


My sin is a bit like that hair.

If I do not keep short accounts with God,

meaning asking Him to clean me up the minute I sin,

then my sin gets on everything.

My heart, my mouth, my husband and it can even track all the way out to those I work with.


It just piles up and up.

Soon I’d have to ask “Is there any room for God in there?”


What about you?

Not your kitchen floor, but your heart?

That part of you that is eternal?


Is it on your regular cleaning schedule?

Or does it get pushed off for something more fun?


Psalms 139

13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.




4 thoughts on “The Hair On My Floor

  1. Wonderful reminder and story! 🙂 I recall your last comment on my recent post. Your ways of organizing your kitchen inspires a cleaning schedule 😀 literally, in my room, and spiritually, in my heart, which I do everyday in my prayers. God bless ;D


    • I do not believe in lost causes.
      I do believe what Glinda said in the Wizard of Oz.
      “You have to find out for yourself”.
      Psalm 27:8 says this -My heart says of you,
      “Seek his face!” Your face, LORD, I will seek.-
      Keep seeking, as you say, what do you have to lose?


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