Life of the Party?

Can you turn any situation into a party?




Appealing personality

Talkative, storyteller

Life of the party

Good sense of humor

Memory for color

Physically holds on to the listener

Emotional and demonstrative

Enthusiastic and expressive

Cheerful and bubbling over


Good on stage

Wide-eyed and innocent

Lives in the present

Changeable disposition

Sincere at heart

Always a child

As a Parent;

Makes home fun

Is liked by children’s friends

Turns disaster into humor

Is the circus master

At Work;

Volunteers for jobs

Thinks up new activities

Looks great on the surface

Creative and colorful

Has energy and enthusiasm

Starts in a flashy way

Inspires others to join

Charms others to work

As a Friend;

Makes friends easily

Loves people

Thrives on compliments

Seems exciting

Envied by others

Doesn’t hold grudges

Apologizes quickly

Prevents dull moments

Likes spontaneous activities


Talk too much

Need to learn to talk half as much

Need to watch for signs of boredom in their audience

Need to learn to condense their comments

Stop exaggerating



Learn to be sensitive to other peoples

Learn to listen

Uncultivated Memories

Learn to pay attention to names

Write things down

Don’t forget the children

Fickle and forgetful friends

Learn to not be a fair weather friend

Learn to put others first

Interrupt and answer for others

Stop trying to fill in the gaps

Realize every ones response time is different

Disorganized and immature

Pull your life together

Grow up

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