Grief Choices #3


For the final installment on the topic of grief,

I want to share a Bible story with you.

You will find it in 1 Samuel Chapter 30.


David and his men lived in Ziklag.

Upon returning from one of their trips, they had found that the Amalekites had raided their town, burned it to the ground and  captured all of their women and children.

The story goes on to say that David and his men were quite distraught.

One can only imagine the grief that they felt when losing absolutely everything they cared about, lived for and fought for. Having it all destroyed in their absence. 

The Bible tells us the steps David took after his horrific findings;

1. He wept aloud.

                There was no place for holding in his emotions.

                They are God given. 

                Letting them out is indeed cathartic.

2. David then found strength in his God.

                When he was done weeping, his strength was gone, and he knew that his God would restore him.

3. David inquired of God.

                What could he possibly do to remedy the situation?

                God is always faithful to give truthful answers.

                David knew that God’s answers truly work, and that they would not be simply be a bandage for his wounds.

4. David pursued his enemy.

                God revealed the enemies position to David and in the end, David recovered all that had been  taken from  him.                        

And then some, enough to be share with everyone.

                When we find out who and where our enemy is, then we can take appropriate steps to stop him from doing

his evil deeds again.


I pray that we will be able to ask God how He might be able to use our process of grief to share encouragement with others who are not as far along in the process.


Scripture says that He holds our tears in a bottle.  Psalm 56:8

Oh that they would not be wasted.


We get to choose to be better and not bitter after grievous things happen in our lives.


Choose wisely.


And remember –

You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

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