
I’ve been struggling lately.

Maybe you have been too?

In the past, my home has been my refuge.

Home is a place where I can spend time studying the Word of God.

Learning in depth what God did for me when He sent His Son Jesus.


But that is not the struggle.

The struggle is that after all that time of quiet with my Heavenly Father,

It is time for me to share what I have learned.

I cannot count the number of times I have had this sense,

I’ve gone out to share Him.

I have shared Him well.

Then I find myself back at home,

Longing to not ever go out again.


I have compared myself to David of old.

He consistently hid himself in caves against his pursuers.

(Not that I’m being pursued, but I do enjoy my cave!)

David did however exit the caves to extinguish attacks from his enemies.

Not all his business was pleasant either.


Mostly he had to leave to take out some enemy that was trying to conquer what was not theirs.

I believe the comparison is that I need to leave when it is necessary.

Cave dwelling is for regaining strength, renewing energy, and receiving new instruction.


I do not enjoy crowds of people.

Un-purposeful milling about is maddening.

The confusion of a crowd makes me want to run and hide.


I did realize something though at our towns 4th of July celebration.

It’s been rolling around in my heart and mind for quite some time,

But it seemed to come into focus better than ever before.

Not pleasant, but clear.


Here were crowds of people, milling about, a crowd confused by everyone’s actions being different than the one next to him.

In truth, I have seen crowds much worse with the milling and the confusion, in the interest of full disclosure, that had to be stated here.

The heat was definitely a factor, I am quite sure it amplified everything.


Anyway…. I found out the reason I want to run and hide.


When I am in my cave, with God, and it is quiet,

I find that He gives me everything I need.

If I take time with Him each day,

I receive what I need for that day.

I have little need for the trappings of the world.

Having them is fine, but not mandatory.

My requirement list is pretty small.


In that time, God grants me a measure of His peace, that I can store up, and when necessary, carry out to the crowds,


Returning to re-fill.


What I saw clearly was a very lot of regular people, doing lots of things to bring them that peace.

Loud talking, boasting, swearing, drinking, smoking, flirting, fighting, showing far more skin than   I wanted my grand children to see, and a lot of PDF’s.  (Public displays of affection)


All these things bring a moments worth of gratification, but no real peace.

The gratification is fleeting, and the peace, non-existent.


For these reasons, I never want to leave my cave.

For these reasons, I NEED to leave my cave.


I am not condemning any of these people.

I am not perfect.

And sometimes,

To my dismay,

Especially when it’s hot,

I. Am. Not. Nice.


But I need to BE nice, and let people see that there is another way.

That true peace can be had.


That every single thing they need can be supplied.

That God WANTS to supply their needs.

Not necessarily their STUFF needs,


But their heart needs,

Their PEACE needs.

Only in Him can that be found.


Only by Christians that do not hide in caves can it be shared with them.


Enjoy the following song by Lifehouse.


It is absolutely true~

You cannot stand in His Presence and not be moved by Him.




And remember ~ You are fearfully and wonderfully made!

7 thoughts on “Everything

  1. Beautiful post. Surely, in the presence of the Lord is fullness of joy and amazing peace divine. I enjoyed listening to the video and am inspired by the words: ” How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you” Just lovely. Thanks so much for sharing and I really appreciate you stopping by My Journal of Praise and liking posts. God bless you in all that you do.


    • Thanks for stopping by. Summer has been difficult for blogging, but I have some new ideas on deck.
      Fall will be much more kind for my blogging/writing/reading mind! Blessings on you and yours!


  2. I relate much to this post. There was a time when I enjoyed my weekly trip to town for shopping – but not so for a number of years.

    In fact, I have to force myself to go, and if it wasn’t for the fact that we need supplies, I would stay put. On the other hand, the Lord almost always draws my attention to a lonely or sad looking woman sitting on a bench seat at the shopping centre, and I stop for a friendly chat.

    It is surprising how many women are lonely and they respond to a smile. I am a Gideon and I am always able to leave them with a New Testament after showing them the ‘where to find help when . . .’ in the front and a special message (way of salvation) in the back.

    So, even though I dread going shopping, I am so thankful for the opportunities given to share.


    • I am in good company then.
      I love how He always uses us for His purposes when we obey.
      Like Rick Warren says – “It’s not about me.”.
      Thanks for stopping by.


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